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Sistema sanitario

Discover how the system works in Thailand

Over the last few years, Thailand has made significant efforts to make access to healthcare easier for the entire Thai population and to improve its medical infrastructures. As a result, the Thai private healthcare system provides high-quality services and the country is ranked as a primary place of choice for medical tourism in Asia.

Thai people contribute to public insurance depending on the type of job they hold (there are 4 different insurances: one for civil servants, one for employees, one for the most disadvantaged people and another one for those who do not meet any of the above criteria, such as self-employed people – in this case, the contribution is called “voluntary”). This insurance, which is “public”, does not cover major medical conditions, including hospitalization, which is why it is strongly recommended to top up this coverage with private insurance. Only expatriated employees with a local contract can benefit from public insurance. Please note that in this case, the insurance will only cover medical care received in public facilities, the quality of which can significantly vary depending on the place. As this insurance provides rather basic coverage, we advise you to take out private healthcare insurance in Thailand.

On the whole, the cost of healthcare in Thailand is affordable and the quality of medical care is improving: indeed a lot of doctors have received their training in Europe and the USA, which explains the excellent level of English in a large part of the Thai private medical network.

It is strongly recommended to keep your certificate of insurance with you at all times: Thailand has been receiving an increasing number of visitors coming to get medical care without being able to pay for it. Therefore, it has become frequent that medical facilities ask you to show your international insurance certificate upon admission and/or that they take an imprint of your credit card.

Visiting a doctor in Thailand

There are very few GPs in Thailand. Most of them are specialist doctors; therefore they are the ones who provide consultations, even for minor health problems. GPs can only be found in large hospitals in Thailand, they are called “family doctors”.

As an expatriate, it is recommended that you go to a hospital for a consultation with a doctor. If you don’t make an appointment, waiting times can go up to 30 minutes in a private hospital. Consultation fees with a doctor can cost up to USD 40.

In Thailand, doctors do not have a specific place where they go to work. They can practice in different hospitals during the same day. It can be a problem because as a result of the traffic in Bangkok, it is common that consultations with some doctors are provided over the phone.

Being admitted to hospital in Thailand

Hospitals are accessible to anyone and provide high-quality medical care. As mentioned earlier, certain hospitals will ask you to show your insurance card with a certain level of coverage before admitting you.

Public hospitals provide good quality services; however we advise you to use private hospitals as certain facilities (mostly in Bangkok) are as good as high-end hospitals in Europe or in the USA.

Buying medication in Thailand

Most drugs are reimbursed.

Consiga un seguro médico para Tailandia

MSH puede ayudarle a diseñar el mejor plan de seguro médico internacional para satisfacer sus necesidades.

Estancias inferiores a un año
Tenemos el plan de seguro médico idóneo para cubrirle desde 1 hasta 12 meses para proyectos personales, prácticas profesionales, visados de vacaciones y trabajo (WHV) u otra razón.

Estancias superiores a un año
Explore nuestras soluciones de seguro médico integrales y altamente flexibles para protegerle en el extranjero a usted y a su familia.

Algunos datos

Nombre oficial

Reino de Tailandia

Principales ciudades

Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Nakhon Ratchasima, Chiang Mai



Forma de gobierno

Monarquía constitucional parlamentaria unitaria

Idioma principal

Thai, Karen languages, Khmer, Malay

Más información

Tailandia en Wikipedia

Testimonios de clientes

Testimonio: MSH me salvó la vida

Matthieu hacía senderismo por un cañón en Perú cuando cayó varios metros y se fracturó la rodilla y el codo: "Tras 12 días en un hospital local, me reenviaron a Francia, donde pasé 2 semanas más en otro hospital y meses de fisioterapia", recuerda. MSH cubrió todos los gastos de hospitalización, repatriación y rehabilitación de Matthieu: "Sin el seguro médico privado, habría sido una pesadilla: 16.000 € por el hospital y 50.000 € por la repatriación en dos ambulancias aéreas, ¿se imagina?"
Testimonio: ¡No te preocupes!

Tanguy suscribió Start'Expat para estar cubierto durante su año sabático preuniversitario en Australia. Un día salió a divertirse con sus patines, se resbaló y quedó inconsciente durante unos minutos. Un transeúnte lo acercó al hospital más cercano para un reconocimiento médico. Por fortuna no fue nada grave y salió encantado de que MSH se hiciera cargo por adelantado de todos los gastos por encima de 400 €, lo que le ahorró un total de 513 €, ¡que no es poco dinero para un estudiante!
Testimonio: una decisión correcta

Bill y su familia residen en Brasil. Descontento con su anterior aseguradora, Bill se cambió a MSH en diciembre de 2015: "Una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado desde que estoy aquí", dice Bill, "por el nivel de servicio y por la amplitud y calidad de la red médica". La tarjeta de asegurado de Bill ya está reconocida por los mayores y mejores hospitales de São Paulo. Incluso disfruta del servicio de pago concertado en pruebas hospitalarias sencillas sin necesidad de autorización previa: "MSH te facilita la vida", dice Bill.
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