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Sistema de saúde

Discover how the system works in Belgium

Belgium provides all its residents (including foreigners) with a comprehensive social security system which covers, among other things, healthcare, unemployment insurance, work-related accident insurance, family allowances, etc.
The social security system is divided into three schemes:
  • one is for salaried workers,
  • another is for self-employed workers
  • the last one is dedicated to civil servants.

For foreign nationals, Belgium has entered into social security agreements with many other countries. These agreements allow expatriates to continue to be covered by the social security system of their home country for a certain period of time but only in the public system.

Visiting a doctor in Belgium

Belgian treating doctor
You can choose a General Practitioner (GP) OR a specialist doctor to act as your treating doctor.
There are different categories of doctors and each one provides patients with a different level of fees.

In addition to the type of doctor you will choose, other criteria will determine the fees such as the type of visit (in office or at home) and the date of appointment (week or week-end/during the day or at the end of the day-evening). Consultation fees may range from €21.09 (basic price for a visit at the doctor’s office) to €82 (for a visit at home between 9.00 pm and 8.00 am) with State-registered doctors.

Belgian GPs
You are free to choose your own GP. However you will need to check the conditions required to obtain a consultation beforehand: some GPs provide a standard waiting system based on appointments while others give a ticket to patients when they enter the office, which enables them to regulate visits according to the hour on which patients arrive to the medical office.
You should always keep the receipt the doctor gives you after paying, which will serve as a supporting document for your private insurance.

Belgian specialist doctors
You will need to visit your treating doctor to see a specialist except in case of emergency, or if you are on holiday/travelling or in the following cases: gynecological examinations, dental or eye care.
Your treating doctor will refer you to a specialist doctor (except when your specialist doctor is also your treating doctor). Please note that several weeks may sometimes be necessary to get an appointment.

Being admitted to hospital in Belgium

You are free to choose the hospital and you do not need to have a prescription. There are six different types of hospitals (university, general, mental, convalescent homes, outpatient centers or short-stay centers); each of them has its own organization, infrastructure and funding method. This is why prices vary according to the type of facility chosen.

Public hospitals and private hospitals (known as clinics) are quite similar except that as soon as you arrive in a clinic you will be assigned to a GP who will follow up on your treatment.

Please remember to show your EHIC or your insurance certificate in advance in order to benefit from the direct payment system, even if we cannot ensure that this system exists in all facilities since some hospitals do not recognize all types of insurance.

Buying medication in Belgium

Some drugs are delivered with prescription only and not all drugs are fully reimbursed.

You should keep the receipt given by the pharmacist in order to be reimbursed by your private health insurance or by the Belgian healthcare system.
Find out more information about the drug reimbursement in Belgium.

Obtenha o seu seguro de saúde para a Bélgica

A MSH pode ajudá-lo a delinear o melhor plano de seguro de saúde internacional que se adequa às suas necessidades.

Vai viajar por menos de um ano e tem mais de 36 anos?
Descubra a nossa solução de seguro de doença internacional para a sua estadia de menos de um ano: até 12 meses, por qualquer motivo.

Vai viajar por menos de um ano e tem menos de 36 anos?
Descubra as nossas soluções de seguro de doença internacional para a sua estadia inferior a um ano: até 12 meses, para um estágio, uma autorização de trabalho temporária ou apenas para turismo.

Vai partir por um ano ou mais?
Descubra as nossas soluções completas de seguro de doença internacional “à la carte” e beneficie de uma proteção óptima para si e para a sua família durante a sua estadia no estrangeiro.

WHV Belgique

Essential Information

Duration: 12 months, non-renewable
Cost of the visa: 180 euros
Turnaround time: around 8 weeks

Application Requirements

To apply for a visa for Belgium, you must:


  • Be between 18 and 30 or 35 years old (depending on your country of nationality)
  • Hold a valid passport
  • Be able to prove you have sufficient resources (the amount required is set by the authorities)
  • Have international health insurance for the duration of your stay
  • Apply for a WHP at any time throughout the year as long as the quotas have not been reached

How to get your Visa

The procedures and documents required often vary from one nationality to another.

Five nationalities can go to Belgium on a WHV:


  • Procedure for Canadian nationals
  • Procedure for Australian nationals
  • Procedure for New Zealand nationals
  • Procedure for Taiwanese nationals
  • Procedure for Korean nationals

    Factos importantes

    Nome oficial

    Reino da Bélgica

    Principais cidades

    Antuérpia, Ghent, Charleroi, Liège




    Monarquia constitucional parlamentar federal

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    Histórias de clientes

    História: estavam presentes para ajudar o meu bebé

    Laure e Robert mudaram para Singapura em 2014 em trabalho - mas acabaram por formar uma família lá também! Ela disse à MSH que estava grávida e ficou maravilhada com todo o apoio que recebeu. Primeiro, recebeu um guia prático sobre gravidez (o que fazer em cada fase, exames médicos, etc.) e, depois, um membro da equipa contactou-a para lhe explicar pessoalmente todas as garantias e aconselhá-la sobre o melhor local para o parto. No dia em que a filha dela nasceu, recebeu um presente com um gráfico de crescimento e um brinquedo para bebé, juntamente com os votos de felicidades da parte da MSH. E agora, está o segundo a caminho...
    História: a MSH salvou-me a vida

    Matthieu estava a fazer uma caminhada num desfiladeiro no Peru quando caiu acidentalmente vários metros e fraturou a rótula e o cotovelo: "Passados 12 dias num hospital local, fui enviado de volta para França, onde passei mais 2 semanas no hospital e meses em fisioterapia", recorda. As despesas de hospitalização, repatriação e reabilitação de Matthieu foram todas cobertas pela MSH: "Sem o meu seguro de saúde privado, teria sido um pesadelo: 16 000 euros para o hospital e 50 000 euros para a minha repatriação com duas ambulâncias - conseguem imaginar?"
    História: a decisão acertada

    Bill e a sua família vivem no Brasil. Descontente com a sua seguradora anterior, Bill mudou para a MSH em dezembro de 2015: "Uma das melhores decisões que tomei desde que estou aqui", afirma, "pelo nível de serviço e a extensão e qualidade da rede." O cartão de seguro de Bill agora é reconhecido pelos maiores e melhores hospitais em São Paulo. Ele até recebe pagamentos através de terceiros para exames hospitalares simples sem precisar de aprovação prévia: "A MSH facilita a vida", diz Bill.

    For more information

    Find out about other countries' healthcare system

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