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Healthcare system

Discover how the system works in Indonesia

There is a public health system in Indonesia (JAM-SOS-TEK) which provides Indonesian nationals with access to primary care (hospitalization, maternity, emergency care and dental prevention). It is funded partly by the state and by companies. Membership is not compulsory if you have a private insurance plan covering at least primary care in the public system.


Generally speaking, healthcare in Indonesia is of fairly poor quality compared to developed countries. In urban areas, it tends to be better with doctors trained abroad. Nevertheless, in case of illness requiring more extensive care, evacuation to Singapore or Australia is recommended for better quality treatment.

Visiting a doctor in Indonesia

Doctors in Indonesia

Outside urban areas, it is difficult to find qualified general practitioners and/or specialists. All doctors consult in hospitals (public or private). If you want an English-speaking doctor, you have to go to a private hospital outside the rural areas.

The cost of a consultation with a general practitioner is around 400,000 IDR, or about 30 euros. It is not uncommon to have to pay cash for the consultation before the treatment.

Being admitted to hospital in Indonesia

There are 3 types of hospitals in Indonesia:


Public hospitals in Indonesia

Public hospitals are not always well equipped. There are great disparities in terms of the quality of equipment between public hospitals in the provinces and those in large cities. As far as rooms are concerned, there are several levels of comfort with shared common rooms and VIP rooms. In the public system, hospitalization is covered up to 3 million rupiahs.


Private hospitals in Indonesia

The majority of private hospitals, where the quality of care is better, are located in Jakarta and other highly urbanized areas. “SOS International”-type private clinics have Western personnel and you can consult general practitioners and specialists there.


Rural clinics

These provide villagers with access to prompt healthcare. The quality of care, infrastructure and equipment available is limited and it is preferable to bring your own medical kit if you are traveling to rural areas.

Hygiene rules are not up to western standards and evacuation to Singapore or Australia is recommended if necessary. Check the conditions of medical repatriation provided under your international health insurance plan.

Lastly, it is common to be asked to pay in cash before the consultation.

Buying medication in Indonesia

There are many local private pharmacies in Indonesia. You will also find state-owned pharmacies that sell medicines made by government-owned factories. In Jakarta, the best-equipped city in the country, some pharmacies are open 24/7.

Pharmacies are also found in all hospitals and clinics but only accept prescriptions issued by their own in-house doctors.

Look out for counterfeit drugs which are common in Indonesia. It is better to buy drugs in hospital and clinic pharmacies.


In case of emergency

Call 118 for a private ambulance.

Korte feiten

Officiële naam

Republiek Indonesië

Belangrijkste steden

Surabaya, Medan, Bandung




Unitaire presidentiële constitutionele republiek

Gesproken taal


Verhalen van onze klanten

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