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The latest edition of Previnter University took place on September 30, 2021 from 4:00.p.m. to 10:30 p.m.


Welcome from Thierry HONTABAT,
HR and Communication Director of UBAF, CREDIT AGRICOLE Group, President of the PREVINTER Association

Business round table on International Mobility

Topic: "How do businesses continue to grow despite the risk of epidemics?"
moderated by Sidonie WATRIGANT, journalist (ex BFM Business, Radio France ...) in the presence of:
Laurent DEGOS,
Professor emeritus of the University of Paris (Hematologist), President of the scientific council of the foundation of the same university, Member of the scientific council of Paris Biotech Santé, Member of the French Institute (Academy of sciences), Former President and founder of the "Haute Autorité de Santé", Member of the French National Academy of Medicine.

with the participation of:
Jacques BEL,
Global Executive Director, Faculty administration and support of INSEAD and General Secretary of the PREVINTER Association
Global Mobility Director, DANONE
Executive Director of MSH International. Free member of the French National Academy of Medicine.

Conference by Laurent Alexandre
Surgeon-urologist, founder of and author with a particular interest in transhumanism and the medical Internet.

Topic: "The COVID-19 crisis as seen from 2027"