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Frédéric GRAND joins MSH International as Managing Director

Frédéric GRAND, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of Diot, a graduate of the Ecole Centrale Paris (1988) and Georgia State University in Atlanta, joined MSH International as Managing Director on January 1st. Frédéric took over from Frédéric VAN ROEKEGHEM, now Managing Director in charge of corporate functions at Diot-Siaci.

Before joining MSH International, Frédéric Grand held successive management positions at FM Global, Allianz and Verlingue and had been Managing Director of Diot since 2019.

A subsidiary of the insurance brokerage group Diot-Siaci, MSH International is a world leader in the design and management of international health solutions with over 500,000 insured members in more than 200 countries and 2,000 client companies.