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The Local Healthcare Insurance System in Tunisia

Tunisia provides its citizens with a social security system that covers healthcare and some social insurances. However, this local system does not include expatriates living in Tunisia.

Existing medical facilities are located within Tunisia’s major cities for the most part.
In the event of an accident, it is recommended that you evacuate to a place where there are more appropriate medical facilities.

You will then have to contact your international healthcare insurance provider.

Being admitted to the hospital in Tunisia

You can choose your own hospital in Tunisia and it is not necessary to have a medical prescription to be admitted.

Public hospitals are basic health centers, university hospitals or regional hospitals. They are often overcrowded and do not always have the necessary medical equipment.

Private clinics often provide comprehensive healthcare services as well as an English-speaking medical staff. As for serious illnesses, access to specific treatments cannot always be guaranteed.

Doctors’ visits in Tunisia

Tunisian doctors
There are both doctors practicing in the private sector who will make home visits to their patients residence or see them in their medical office, and doctors from the public sector who practice in hospitals.

There are general practitioners everywhere; however private medical doctors are mostly located in larger cities.

Consultation fees in Tunisia cost between 20 Tunisian dirham on average (10 euros) for a consultation in the office and 30 to 40 Tunisian dirham for a consultation at home (20-30 euros).

Do not forget to keep your bill in order to be reimbursed by your expatriate insurance coverage in Tunisia.

Tunisian specialist doctors
To see a specialist doctor from the private sector in Tunisia, you just need to make an appointment directly with the specialist doctor of your own choice.

A consultation with a specialist costs between 40 and 60 Tunisian dirham depending on the medical specialty. For example, a consultation with a gynecologist costs 50 Tunisian dirham (25 euros).

There are also certain specialist doctors who see their patients at the hospital and provide private consultations.

Buying drugs in Tunisia

Pharmacies can be found all over the country and for the patients’ comfort, out-of-hours pharmacies and late-night pharmacies are also available. As in most countries, some drugs can only be delivered with a medical prescription. However, certain antibiotics can be bought over-the-counter. Do not forget to keep the receipt issued by the pharmacist in order to obtain reimbursement from your healthcare insurance provider in Tunisia.

Get your health insurance for Tunisia

MSH can help you design the best international health insurance plan to suit your needs.

Going for less than a year?  
We have the right health insurance plan to cover you for 1 to 12 months, whether it's for a personal project, an apprenticeship, a working holiday or any other reason.

Going for a year or more?
Explore our comprehensive and highly flexible health insurance solutions to protect you and your family while you're abroad.

Factos importantes

Nome oficial

República da Tunísia

Principais cidades

Tunes, Sfax, Gabès, Sousse, Kairouan, Bizerte




República semipresidencial unitária

Língua comum


Histórias de clientes

História: despertei para a MSH

Rachel vive no Togo e está com a MSH desde 2002. Após uma cirurgia de rotina, ficou em coma durante 2 meses. A sua hospitalização custou mais de 200 000 euros - mas foi tudo coberto pela MSH, sem que ela tivesse de tratar de nada. Graças à reatividade da equipa e à forma simples como lidou com a situação, a família de Rachel pôde evitar mais problemas - tal como Rachel quando acordou.
História: a minha segunda opinião

Petra estava preocupada com a cirurgia que tinha de fazer depois de um acidente em casa. Antes de tomar a sua decisão, quis uma segunda opinião. Graças ao seu seguro de saúde privado, que incluía a garantia de Segunda Opinião Médica, rapidamente foi à consulta de outro médico e obteve todas as respostas às suas perguntas. O segundo médico concordou com o facto de a cirurgia ser necessária e Petra foi para o hospital confortada e confiante.
História: relaxa, amigo!

Tanguy subscreveu o Start'Expat para cobrir o seu ano sabático na Austrália. Um dia, andava a patinar quando escorregou e desmaiou durante alguns minutos. Um transeunte levou-o para o hospital mais próximo para fazer exames. Felizmente, não era nada de grave e ele ficou satisfeito quando soube que todas as despesas no valor de 400 euros seriam pagas pela MSH em adiantado, poupando-lhe um total de 513 euros - é muito dinheiro para um estudante!
Descubra as suas histórias
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