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Discover how the health system works in Israel

The local healthcare insurance system in Israel known as “Kupot Cholim“ provides all Israeli residents with free access to basic medical care.

The Kupot Cholim is divided into four health insurance funds. Each Israeli citizen is free to choose the health fund he/she wants to register with:
- the Clalit health fund covers 54% of Israeli citizens
- the Maccabi health fund covers 23% of Israeli citizens
- the Meuhedet health fund covers 12% of Israeli citizens
- the Leumit health fund covers less than 10% of Israeli citizens

However, they can switch health funds every six months. Each year, the Ministry of Health releases a list of basic medical care that must be covered by all health funds in order to avoid competition between the four health funds.
Still, this insurance cover is not enough as it only reimburses basic medical care set by the government. This is why it is highly recommended to take out top-up health insurance. But you will often have to pay an out-of-pocket amount for certain services (e.g. for drugs) even if you are covered by a complementary health insurance plan.

The local healthcare system is funded via contributions deducted from salaries. The contributions collected are then split between the four health funds by the Kupot Cholim.

Visiting a doctor in Israel

Israeli GPs mainly see their patients in free health centers. There are call centers to get an appointment. The national telephone number is *3833 available 24 hours a day.
Israeli GPs are paid directly by the Kupot Cholim, which is why you do not need to make cash advances for your medical expenses. You only need to show your doctor the magnetic card issued by your health insurance fund.

You can switch GPs two times per quarter. However, if you want to see a third doctor during the quarter, for example in order to have a second medical opinion, you will have to pay ILS 154 (around USD 43).

A consultation with a private doctor costs around ILS 300 (around USD 83).

Specialist doctors in Israel:
In case of specific medical care, your GP will refer you to the appropriate specialist. The healthcare insurance system in Israel provides high-quality care and medical equipment.

To see a specialist doctor in Israel, you will have to pay an amount of ILS 600 (around USD 160) per quarter. You will be able to see the specialist during the entire quarter without paying the consultation again.

Doctors speak English and Hebrew.

Being admitted to hospital in Israel

Hospitals in Israel
Waiting times may be long if you do not have an appointment. Hospitals meet quality standards in terms of medical infrastructure and hygiene. Furthermore, consultations are free if you have a prescription.

Buying medication in Israel

Drugs are reimbursed up to the limit set by the Kupot Cholim. Even if you have top-up health insurance, you will have to pay an out-of-pocket amount of 15% per drug.

Get your health insurance for Israel

MSH can help you design the best international health insurance plan to suit your needs.

Going for less than a year?  
We have the right health insurance plan to cover you for 1 to 12 months, whether it's for a personal project, an apprenticeship, a working holiday or any other reason.

Going for a year or more?
Explore our comprehensive and highly flexible health insurance solutions to protect you and your family while you're abroad.



State of Israel


Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheba, Jerusalem (“corpus separatum”)


Tel Aviv / Jerusalem


Unitary parliamentary democracy


Yiddish, French


Israel on Wikipedia


Client story: MSH was a lifesaver

Matthieu was hiking in a canyon in Peru when he accidently fell down several meters and fractured his kneecap and elbow: "After 12 days in a local hospital, I was sent back to  France where I spent 2 more weeks in hospital and months in physiotherapy" he remembers. Matthieu's hospitalization, repatriation and rehabilitation expenses were all covered by MSH: "Without my private health insurance, it would have been a nightmare: €16,000 for the hospital and €50,000 for my repatriation with two air ambulances - can you imagine?"
Client story: No worries mate!

Tanguy subscribed to Start’Expat to cover his gap year in Australia. He was out roller-skating one day when he slipped and blacked out for a few minutes. A passerby directed him to the nearest hospital for a scan. Fortunately, there was nothing serious and he was delighted to learn that all the expenses from €400 would be paid by MSH in advance, saving him a total of €513 -that's a lot of money for a student!   
Client story: The right decision

Bill and his family are based in Brazil. Unhappy with his previous insurer, Bill switched to MSH in December 2015: "One of the best decisions I've made since I've been here", he says, "for the level of service and the breadth and quality of the network."  Bill's insurance card is now recognized by the biggest and best hospitals in Sao Paulo. He even gets third-party payment for simple hospital tests without needing prior agreement: "MSH makes life easy", says Bill. 
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